Wikia o Starej Telewizji

Program 1
8.15 Ekspress gospodarczy
8.35 "Domator" - nasza poczta, kuchnia pod namiotem
8.50 Domowe przedszkole
9.15 Wiadomości poranne
9.25 "Bluebell (6) - serial ang.
10.20 "Domator" - przyjemne z pożytecznym
10.45 "Po sześćdziesiątce" - magazyn publicystyczny
15.30 NURT - matematyka w szkole podstawowej
16.20 Program dnia, Telegazeta
16.25 Dla młodych widzów: "Sami o sobie" - "SOS"
16.50 Dla dzieci: "Trąba"
17.15 Teleexpress
17.30 "Żegnaj Europo" - publicystyka międzynarodowa
17.55 Sport
18.45 "Rolnicze rozmaitości"
19.00 Dobranoc: "Zaczarowany ołówek"
19.10 "Koniec czy początek" - program publicystyczny o Stoczni Gdańskiej
19.30 Wiadomości
20.05 "Bluebell" (6)
21.05 Telewizyjny informator wydawniczy
21.35 "Zawsze po 21-szej"
22.05 "Piknik country" - Mrągowo '89
22.45 Wiadomości wieczorne

Program 2
16.35 Korepetycje dla maturzystów - język angielski (55)
17.05 Program dnia
17.10 "ABC" - teleturniej językowy
17.40 Ekspress gospodarczy - (powtórzenie)
18.00 Program lokalny
18.30 Magazyn "102"
19.00 "Ja gore" - nowela TP reż. Janusz Majewski, wyk. Jerzy Turek, Jerzy Wasowski, Cezary Julski i inni
19.30 "Psychostudio"
20.00 "Ze wszystkich stron" "Bułgaria - droga do demokracji", cz. 2
20.45 Studio Italia '90: Brazylia - Szkocja (transmisja)
21.45 Panorama dnia (w przerwie meczu)
22.55 "W labiryncie"
23.25 "Telewizja nocą"
23.55 Studio Italia '90: Szwecja - Kostaryka (skrót)
0.30 Komentarz dnia

6.00 Pages from Ceefax
6.30 BBC Breakfast News
8.55 Regional News and Weather
9.00 News Weather followed by The Travel Show Guides
9.35 Play Tennis
10.00 News Weather followed by The Raccoons
10.25 Children's BBC
10.50 Stoppit and Tidyup
10.55 Five to Eleven
11.00 News Weather followed by Hudson and Halls
11.30 Tricks of the Trade
12.00 News Weather followed by Dallas
12.50 Historyman
12.55 Regional News and Weather
13.00 One O'Clock News; Weather
13.30 Neighbours
13.50 Royal Ascot
14.30 Jersey Stakes (7f)
15.05 Queen Mary Stakes (5f)
15.45 Coronation Stakes (Old Mile)
16.00 Dipstick
16.10 Ewoks
16.35 The Movie Game
17.00 Newsround
17.10 Colour in the Creek
17.35 Neighbours
18.00 Six O'Clock News; Weather
18.30 Regional news magazines
19.00 Wogan
19.30 Columbo: Forgotten Lady
21.00 Nine O'Clock News; Regional News; Weather
21.30 Frontiers
22.20 Cagney and Lacey
23.10 World Cup Report
23.55 Royal Ascot
0.20 Weather
0.25 Closedown

6.45 Open University
6.45 Discovering Physics: Vibrations of Music
7.10 Information Technology for You
8.00 News
8.15 Westminster
9.00 Daytime on Two Inset
9.30 Who - Me?
9.50 Watch
10.05 You and Me
10.20 Techno
10.40 Microelectronics in Action
11.00 Words and Pictures
11.15 English Time
11.35 Inset
12.05 Seventeen
12.30 Lifeschool
12.55 Step Up to Wordpower
13.20 Pie in the Sky
13.40 Zig Zag
14.00 News; Weather followed by Storytime
14.15 Country File
14.40 Made by Man
15.00 News, Weather followed by: Film 90 Special with Barry Norman
15.35 Night Cleaner
15.45 Historyman
15.50 News and Weather, Regional News and Weather
16.00 Royal Ascot
16.20 Royal Hunt Cup (Handicap. 1m).
16.35 A Woman Rebels
18.00 DEF II: The Invaders: The Saucer
18.50 Erasure
19.30 Hidden Ground
20.00 Candle on the Hill
21.00 M*A*S*H
21.25 Mother Love: 2
22.20 Fifth Column
22.30 Newsnight
23.15 The Bill Moyers Interview
23.45 One on Two
23.55 Weatherview
0.00 Open University
0.00 Teachers
0.25 Materials in Action
0.55 Closedown

Channel 4
6.00 The Art of Landscape
6.30 The Channel 4 Daily
9.25 Schools
12.00 The Parliament Programme
12.30 Business Daily
13.00 Sesame Street
14.00 Open View
14.30 The Law of Love
15.30 Somerset
15.40 The Oprah Winfrey Show
16.30 Fifteen to One
17.00 Go For It
17.30 Flight Over Spain
18.00 Leontyne
18.30 Get Smart
19.00 News
19.50 Comment
20.00 Brookside
20.30 Dispatches
21.15 Poetry in Motion
21.45 Short and Curlies: Work Experience
22.00 Film: Born Beautiful
23.50 Film: Waiting for the Moon
1.25 Closedown
